Cancer? What Cancer?

In 1968, my Mother was diagnosed with cancer in the uterus, and was scheduled for surgery by Dr. Easterling, in Alexandria, Louisiana. On the Sunday night before surgery on Monday morning, Bro. GA Mangun was preaching on faith. He was moved to have a Prayer Line (People would walk thru a group of prayer warriors and be prayed for). As Bro. Mangun and the others prayed for Mother, Bro. Mangun told Mother to march around the sanctuary 3 times and she would be healed.

On the third round, as she went thru the line again, God touched her! I heard a scream – it was Mother dancing in the spirit and screaming, “I am Healed! I am Healed!”

Mother went to the hospital on Monday morning as scheduled where she met with Dr. Easterling. She proceeded to tell him that there was no need for the surgery, because God had healed her. Dr. Easterling was insistent about her having the surgery, so Mother gave permission only to give God the glory.

When Dr. Easterling opened her up to extract the cancer… THERE WAS NO CANCER – NOT EVEN A SCAR WHERE THE CANCER HAD BEEN!

God is so good to his people that trust and take Him at His Word! Glory! Hallelujah!!

Ain’t God Good to Give Us So Many Blessings!

–Michael Sanders

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